Young Living的玫瑰純淨精油粹取自玫瑰花瓣,玫瑰內蘊含高量的玫瑰蠟(stearoptene)成分。而屬高凍凝點的玫瑰蠟容易於較低溫度的環境底下凝結,導致玫瑰精油呈現稠黏的形態。所以,玫瑰精油因低溫而變得稠黏的性質是屬於正常現象。只要輕輕搖動精油瓶身、將整瓶精油置於掌心揉搓數分鐘或將整瓶精油放至暖水中,即可使精油回復液體狀。
【Know more about the Rose Oil】
Our rose is a white pure rose oil that is high in a certain sesquiterpene called stearoptene which causes a high congealing point. When the rose oil is cool it will congeal. Shaking it or placing it in warm water will allow it to liquefy, this is considered a normal characteristic and the oil will continue to retail its full therapeutic properties.